The meaning and pronunciation of Chinese name 丁巳 is as follows: Pronunciation: 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem. 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch. Is this a good Chinese name? Query a Chinese name meanings and more. Come to understand.
營養師公開10個養肝排毒食物,改善肌膚蠟黃、提升免疫力 美容 健身飲食 肝養好,皮膚都在發光! 營養師揭露養肝8大好處,蛤蠣湯、豆腐這些幫助「肝排毒」的食材可改善蠟黃肌、提神 想擁有漂亮的膚質,要先養好肝! 營養師推薦10個養肝排毒食材,幫助養膚、提升免疫力! By Michelle Yang and Brian Feng Published:...